Tuesday, August 2, 2011

OKC Road Trip! Cuppies and Joe vs. Sara Sara Cupcakes!

This post has been in the works for about a month and a half, and I'm so excited to get to share it with you!

This started one night when I was at work (I work at a hotel for those of you who don't know!). A lady was checking in and she had a little container with a cupcake in it. Since I know there isn't a cupcake shop in Stillwater, I asked her where she got it. She proceeded to gush about this cupcake store in OKC called Sara Sara Cupcakes. I told her that I had been to Cuppies and Joe before, but she insisted that Sara Sara was WAY better!

This got my wheels turning. So I, along with help from some friends, decided to do a taste test/cupcake war starring Sara Sara Cupcakes and Cuppies and Joe! My friend Chris and I had already started planning a trip to OKC, so I knew that I definately wanted to add this to our plans!

I decided to rate each place on 6 different criteria: value, cake flavor, frosting flavor, presentation, atmosphere, and staff.

First up was Cuppies and Joe!

I've been to Cuppies a handful of times before last weekend. So in the judging process, I tried to be as unbiased as possible. 

I ordered the same thing at both places, chocolate cupcake with vanilla frosting and a glass of milk. The milk is a must! =)

My total order was $3.56 at Cuppies, so I gave them a 9 out of 10.

Presentation! I always love the idea of eating a cupcake with a fork, it classes it up a bit I feel! The icing was piped on and topped with some purple sugar sprinkles! The only thing I had an issue with presentation wise was the plastic glass my milk was in, I wish they had some sort of cute mugs for milk! My score for presentation is 7/10!

The cake had a very nice chocolatey flavor and the texture was great! Baked the perfect amount of time so that it was still moist! 9/10!

The icing was also very good! There was the right proportion of frosting to cake, so that you could get some frosting in every bite! The frosting also had very good flavor, that hint of vanilla without overpowering the chocolate cake.  It was also just the right amount of sweet! 10/10!

The staff at Cuppies was very helpful! Everytime I go in, they are more than willing to make suggestions on cupcakes or tell you about the flavors. They also have a barista and full coffee menu and make great mochas and frozen coffees! I give the staff a 10/10!

I chose to do atmosphere last because I think it is just as, if not more, important as the product they are selling! Cuppies has a very warm and homey style, as seen in the picture above. They have comfy seating in every room as well as antique dining tables and chairs. It is a great place to just hang out with friends, as well as get a sweet treat! They also sell art from local artists which are on display around the shop as wall art! Their inviting atmostphere earned them a 10/10!

And now, stepping into the ring, the challenger..... Sara Sara Cupcakes!

Sara Sara was significantly more than Cuppies. BUT! The cupcakes are also larger and meant to be shared. I couldn't finish one by myself! And they have an all you can drink milk bar! I payed $6.77 for everything, but like I said earlier, you could easily have two people share a cupcake! I give the value a 7/10.

I'm just going to flat out say it, Sara Sara stomped Cuppies in presentation! They served the cupcakes on adorable white teardrop plates and had frosted glasses for the milk bar! Another thing I liked about Sara Sara though was their bold choices in variety of flavors of cupcakes! They definately branched out into non-traditional flavors such as Peach Cobbler, Smores, and Pineapple Upsidedown! Kudos, Sara Sara! 9/10!

Sara Sara's chocolate cupcake was definately a lighter flavor, almost like a german chocolate. While I appreciated the lightness of flavor, the cake was too dry. I give the cake a 6/10.

I felt like the ratio of icing to cake was too small, there needed to be more. Also, there wasn't a vanilla flavor, all I could taste was sugar. The icing earns a 5/10.

There was only one girl working when we went in. She was cleaning off tables when we came in but told us to let her know when we were ready to order. She wasn't mean by any means, but she also wasn't super accomodating either. 6/10.

The atmosphere in Sara Sara was interesting. I could definately tell they were going for more of a modern feel, everything was white! Chairs. Tables. Floors. Ceilings. Walls. Pictures. All white. The only color was pink accents, like flowers. I felt bad for Chris having to sit at a table with pink flowers haha! Personally, I wasn't a big fan of this modern approach. After we were done eating, there wasn't anything else to do except leave. I give the atmosphere a 6/10.

Overall, Cuppies and Joe beat out Sara Sara Cupcakes!

Have you ever been to Cuppies? Sara Sara? Is there another Cupcake shop you would recommend?

Leave me a comment and tell me what you think!


Here are the links to their websites if you want to look up more information!
Cuppies and Joe
Sara Sara Cupcakes